Winter Soccer League

Play Like A Pro

4 weeks


Week 1 - 1V1 foot skills -  Dribbling skills and 1v1 moves footwork like Messi/ Ronaldo.. you decide !!!!

Week 2 - Shooting practice- using laces, inside and firing shots at goal !!!

Week 3 - Pass and move -  Don't let them get close and let the ball do the work!!!

Week 4 - Defending 1v1 - Never let them get by you!!!!


  1. TBD

  2. TBD

  3. TBD

  4. TBD

Ages, Times and Cost 

  •  Ages 5-8   11:30am-12:30am  Cost  $40.00

  •  Ages 9-11 12:30pm-1:30pm    Cost: $40.00

  •  Ages 12-14 1:30pm-2:30pm    Cost: $40.00

Winter Futsal is BACK!!

Players will learn how to play the beautiful game of futsal.  This will include the following:

1v1 beating a player, Passing, Shooting, Defending and more!!!

8 weeks program - Jan through March

Ages, Times and Cost 


Tiny Stars (Ages 3-4) Thursday 6-7pm

6U (Pre K & K) Thursday 7-8pm

8U (1st & 2nd Grade) Friday 6-7pm

10U (3rd & 4th Grade) Friday 7-8pm

12U & 14U (5th - 8th Grade) Sunday 9-12pm

19U (9th - 12th Grade): Sunday 12-1pm

COST: $95.00